Private Jones (fka Private Gomer Jones)
2021 Festival
Sammi Cannold
Music Director
Mona Seyed-Bolorforosh
Stephen Bogardus, Dickie Hearts, Adam Hyndman, Johnny Link, Jared Loftin, Patrena Murray, Christina Sajous and Heath Saunders
Number of Acts: 2
Number of Principals (Male): 4
Number of Principals (Female): 2
Number of Principals (Trans / GNC): 1
Preferred Ensemble Size: 10
Total Cast Size: 17
Orchestra Breakdown:
Piano, Percussion, Bass, Fiddle, Acoustic Guitar, Horn, 2 Woodwinds, 2 more Strings
Casting Notes:
Although all of the characters are or at one point are doubled as Welsh men, gender/racial diversity is essential to the story. I listed 2 female principals and 1 gender non-conforming principal, but those numbers could easily be higher. Further, some of the Ensemble will be Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Genre & Style:
War drama with some humor
Based on the true story of a Deaf Welsh sniper in World War One, Private Gomer Jones uses ensemble storytelling and onstage sound foley to tell the story of a Deaf soldier from his perspective. A driving Celtic score accompanies the tale of a soldier’s harrowing journey made all the more treacherous because he… and we… can’t hear what’s coming next.
Development History
Private Gomer Jones began at the Johnny Mercer Writer’s Grove at Goodspeed Musicals in 2019, and was further developed at Goodspeed Musicals in 2020. For the next 18 months it stayed patiently indoors, always wore a mask, eventually got vaccinated and now it’s here!
Festival Successes
Workshop at Goodspeed Musicals, May 2022. Full productions at Goodspeed Musicals and Signature Theatre (VA), 2023.