Little Duende
2021 Festival
Rebecca Martinez
Music Director
Erika Gamez
Sommer Carbuccia, Ruben Eduardo Flores, Gabriela Garcia, Daniela Hager, Cedric Leiba, Jr., Mason Alexander Park, Zully Ramos and Majo Rivero
Number of Acts: 2
Number of Principals (Male): 2
Number of Principals (Female): 3
Number of Principals (Trans / GNC): 1
Preferred Ensemble Size: 25
Total Cast Size: 31
Orchestra Breakdown:
Full Mexican mariachi and orchestral orchestrations: Trumpets, Guitarrón, Marimba, Violins, Violas, Jarana, Guitar, Harp, Cello
Genre & Style:
Mexican Mythos, Dark Fantasy, Adventure Folklore
In the mythical land of Elflán a young duendénse (elflander) must confront a mysterious entity after it kidnaps her mother by trekking north in the company of a disloyal God of Yesteryear (HUEHUE). In the journey, ADELITA finds the truth about herself, her land, and the not-so-mythical dark world that hides behind a wall.
Development History
LITTLE DUENDE was developed with the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center during the 2021 National Music Theater Conference directed by Melissa Crespo. Previously, it was featured in New York Theatre Barn’s New Work Series 2021.
Festival Successes
O’Neill Music Theatre Conference, 2021. Industry workshop, October 2022. Industry reading presentation at Open Jar Studios in NYC on October 3rd, 2022.
One week workshop in El Paso, TX in association with UTEP Dinner Theatre (2022).
Residency at Rhinebeck Writers Retreat (2023).