Lautrec at the St. James
2019 Festival
Sarna Lapine
Music Director
Charity Wicks
Gabi Carrubba, Erika Henningsen, MaryAnn Hu, David Hughey, Kristolyn Lloyd, Wade McCollum, Bronson Norris Murphy, Jason Pintar, Ben Roseberry and Erica Spyres
For More Information Contact
Di Glazer, ICM, (212) 556.6820, dglazer@icmpartners.com (Please cc assistant at: assist.dglazer@icmpartners.com)
Number of Acts: 1
Number of Principals (Male): 4
Number of Principals (Female): 4
Preferred Ensemble Size: 2
Total Cast Size: 10
Orchestra Breakdown:
Piano/Celeste/Harp, Violin, Viola, Cello, Acoustic Bass, Accordion, Reed Player
Genre & Style:
March, 1899 – French artist Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, passes out in a gutter and is kidnapped. He awakes in the Chateau St. James, an asylum. Triggered by his imagination and a need to understand his downfall, the St. James continuously transforms around Lautrec into an intoxicating and provocative world—one that inspires yet may destroy him.
Development History
The development history for Lautrec at the St. James has thus far included a table read in New York with a cast of 10 actors. In 2018, the show received a grant to conduct a 29-hour reading, again with a cast of 10 actors but which also included a director and musical director. In 2019, Director Sarna Lapine became attached to the project and the show has received a second grant for a developmental 29-hour reading and for the recording of additional demos, which will occur in July 2019.
Festival Successes
Will have a one night only concert performance at the Olney Theatre Center (MD) in April 2021. Rescheduled to March 2022.
Fest Fast Facts
- The creative team is also comprised of Broadway Director Sarna Lapine and groundbreaking Choreographer Eamon Foley.
- Since the piece is reliant on the physical and choreographic elements, our ideal next step is either a workshop or a production.
- The storytelling is rooted in the concept of the “unexpected” and takes place in two worlds—reality and hallucination/memory. The Asylum—in which most of the show occurs—continually transforms before our eyes with characters climbing in and out of furniture or appearing through the wall of the room.
- Lautrec at the St. James is a one-act musical running approximately 105 minutes and utilizing a cast of 10 Actors.
- Though Henri de Toulouse Lautrec is recognized today as one of the great French Impressionist artists of the late 19th century, he could also be considered the Andy Warhol of his time: a pop culture icon and radical documentarian choosing prostitutes, dance halls, and the underbelly of Paris nightlife as his subject matter. Standing barely five feet tall he was a curious and often-outrageous fixture of the world he imagined on canvas.