Bernice Bobs Her Hair
2011 Festival
Joe Calarco
Music Director
Andy Einhorn
Steven Booth, Josh Breckenridge, Demi Fragale, Olli Haaskivi, Brynn O'Malley, Olivia Oguma, Will Reynolds, Courtney Stokes, Derrick Trumbly, Casey Tuma and Kate Wetherhead
For More Information Contact
Seth Glewen at The Gersh Agency – sglewen@gersh.com / 212-634-8124
Number of Acts: 2
Number of Principals (Male): 2
Number of Principals (Female): 3
Preferred Ensemble Size: 8
Total Cast Size: 13
Orchestra Breakdown:
Piano, guitar, bass, violin, clarinet, percussion
Genre & Style:
Bernice Bobs Her Hair is based on the classic short story of the same name by F. Scott Fitzgerald as well as letters he wrote to his sister.  It is a story of “the shifting, semi-cruel world of adolescence” set in a time of transformation for American women. Young men and women dance and flirt and engage in character assassination in the time honored pursuit of romance and status. The story is retold with an eye to the future which Fitzgerald anticipates but could not have predicted.
Development History
Bernice Bobs Her Hair has had readings at Primary Stages in NYC 2008, American University in DC 2009, the University of Nebraska in 2010 and The Irish Rep in NYC 2010.
Festival Successes
World premiere at Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma, 2015.
Fest Fast Facts
- Bernice Bobs Her Hair is the original mean girls story with historical importance to boot.
- Bernice is ready for production.
- Bernice has a period influenced score but we intend for it to be sung with contemporary style voices.
- Bernice is a dance show!
- We intend Bernice to be produced with an impressionistic, rather than naturalistic, set.