Conference Continued: Commercial Enhancement

December 13, 2024 2:00 pm ET

Join us for the first installment of Conference Continued! a series of online roundtables expanding and exploring topics from NAMT’s Conferences.

Attendees of October’s breakout conversation on Commercial Enhancement for non-profits wished that it could have lasted longer, and folks who weren’t able to attend wished that they could. So please join us on Friday, December 13 at 2 pm ET when Sharon Fallon (Sharon Fallon Productions) and Mark Hoebee (Paper Mill Playhouse) will continue the conversation, dig deeper and take your questions.

What are the best practices for non-profit theatres to bring on commercial producers to enhance their production budgets? What should theatres look for in commercial partners, and what should commercial producers look for in non-profits? If a producer brings a project to you, how can you make sure it fits in your artistic vision? What value does the non-profit bring to the commercial producer and the future of the production?

Conference Continued! is a great opportunity to engage with NAMT and your peers, and reap the benefits of membership year-round.

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Advance registration will help us with a head-count and with prepping questions ahead of time, but if you decide to come at the last minute, please do! Just click the button below when you’re ready to join. You’ll be asked to fill out a very quick form and then be taken directly to the Zoom.

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