Conference Continued: Topic TBA

August 13, 2025 2:00 pm ET

Join us for Conference Continued!a series of online roundtables expanding and exploring topics from NAMT’s Conferences. Bring your own best practices to share, or questions for others, for a lively discussion with colleagues from across the NAMT membership. Conference Continued! is a great opportunity both to engage with NAMT and your peers and to reap the benefits of membership year-round.

Topic TBA following the Spring Conference

This online event is open to NAMT members and invited guests only.

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Advance registration will help us with a head-count and with prepping questions ahead of time, but if you decide to come at the last minute, please do! Just click the button below when you’re ready to join. You’ll be asked to fill out a very quick form and then be taken directly to the Zoom.

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