Writers’ Roundtable 2019
Building Momentum: Extending the Life of a New Musical
March 8, 2019
140 West 30th Street, New York, NY

Navigating a new musical through a world premiere is a huge feat for writers and producers. But what happens after the first production? NAMT writers and producers from NAMT member organizations discussed leveraging a world premiere into a second production and beyond. At the 2019 Writers’ Roundtable we explored how to build a relationship roadmap for all stages of development and production, collaboration strategies among multiple producing organizations, and technology developments for extending the reach of a new musical.
Friday, March 8, 2019 (All times ET )
12:00 pm | Check-in and Introductions Interface NYC |
12:30 pm | New Partners, Established Content Interface NYC
1:45 pm | Rolling World Premiere Musical Interface NYC
3:00 pm | Be More Digital Interface NYC
4:00 pm | Networking Reception Interface NYC |
Last updated 2/1/2019. Subject to change.
Tim Kashani
Cheryl Davis
Mary Bracken Phillips
Michelle Yaroshko
Senior Vice President, Professional Licensing (North America)
Carolyn Miller
Kit Yan
Lillian Osei-Boateng
Program Manager for the Arts
Ceclia Lin
eric krebs
Bryan Leys
Alumni Writer
Anika Chapin
Director of Artistic Development
Kevin Merritt
Emily Sproch
Senior Program Officer
Andrea Daly
Margot Astrachan
Chana Wise
Rob Rokicki
James Campodonico
Stacey Luftig
Karin Nilo
Program Manager
Rod Kaats
Marcus Stevens
Cara Reichel
Producing Artistic Director
Scott Evans
Artistic Director
Benji Goldsmith
Aron Accurso
Douglas Cohen
Festival Writer
David Darrow
Rachel Johnson
Executive Director
Vince Colonna
Chief Theatricals Executive, Concord
Producer/General Manager
Show Shepherd
Participation Guidelines
NAMT is committed to recognizing and celebrating the diversity of experiences, talents, skills, cultures and opinions that our members bring to our community, and specifically to our events. We invite you to participate in the Fall Conference and Festival of New Musicals in a spirit of open-mindedness, curiosity and respect.
We want every NAMT event to be a safe, inclusive and productive environment for all participants. In that spirit, we ask you to…
- Be inclusive, actively seeking and inviting diverse perspectives
- Listen to understand
- Participate in an active and direct way, with professionalism and respect for others
- Be considerate, kind, constructive and helpful in your language and actions
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behavior and language
- Respect confidentiality requests by speakers and other attendees
NAMT staff and Board may take action (up to and including expulsion with no refund and exclusion from future events) to redress disruptive, disrespectful or offensive behavior or any other actions deemed in conflict with the above guidelines.
Thank you to every NAMT community member for helping to make all of our events informative, inclusive and respectful.
This page was last updated on 04/04/2019