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Building Connections: Alumni, Members and NAMT

June 13, 2009, 1:00 - 6:00 pm

On the afternoon of June 13, NAMT hosted the Festival Alumni and NAMT Members in a roundtable about:

  • What the Alumni need in these times from the Members?
  • What the Members need in these times from the Alumni?
  • How we all can help each other?

Organizations and Festival Shows represented at the Roundtable:
321 Theatrical Management
Abyssinia (Fest 1994)
After The Fair
(Fest 1994)
Baldwin-Wallace College
(Fest 2008)
Boston Conservatory
(Fest 1993)
Broadway Rose Theatre Co.
Demos Bizar Entertainment
aka Murder on Broadway (Fest 1990)
Dodsworth (Fest 1996)
East of Doheny
(Fest 1990)
The Gig (Fest 1994)
(Fest 2000)
Goodspeed Musicals
Heartland (Fest 1997)
I Love You Because
(Fest 2005)
Kiss Me Quick Before the Lava Reaches the Village
(Fest 1989)
Lil Budda
(Fest 2000)
The Legend of Stagecoach Mary
New York Theatre Barn
Phantom of the Country Palace
(Fest 1994)
(Fest 2006)
Playing Pretend
Princess Caraboo
(Fest 2005)
A Superhero (Songwriter Showcase 2008)
Theatre Latte Da
Tinyard Hill (Fest 2007)
The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown (Songwriter Showcase 2005)
(Songwriter Showcase 2008)



1:00 pm


1:30 pm The Writer Perspective
What Writers are looking for right now and what they need?
Moderated by Beth Blatt, from Princess Caraboo (Fest 2005)
2:45 pm Break


3:00 pm

The Producer Perspective
What Theatres are looking for right now and what they need?
Moderated by Nick Demos, Demos Bizar Entertainment


4:00 pm Finding the Middle Ground
Where is there overlap between each other’s needs and how can NAMT help?
Moderated by Nancy Gibbs, 321 Theatrical Management
5:00 pm Wine and Cheese Reception

This page was last updated on 06/21/2016