Today marks 25 days until our Benefit “SHOW-OFF!” celebrating 25 years of NAMT’s Annual Festival of New Musicals. Leading up to the concert on October 20, we will be posting daily facts, photos, videos, and more, remembering some of the shows and authors from the last great 25 years.
We begin with a blast to the past, heading back to the year 1989 to rediscover some of the shows that started it all…
We begin with a blast to the past, heading back to the year 1989 to rediscover some of the shows that started it all…

Little Ham recorded a cast album and it also available for licensing through Samuel French—visit their page on the show.
Read a New York Times review of Capitol Catwalk, which calls the show “ambitiously conceived” and “ingenious.”
Browse a newspaper article announcing the premier of the new musical Angelina by Barry Kleinbort.
And if you have the means, head to the Performing Arts Library at Lincoln Center in New York City to watch the Goodspeed Opera House production of The Real Life Story of Johnny De Facto.