
Festival Shows in the News


Festival Show Update: FUNKED UP FAIRY TALES


An interview with Shami McCormick, Artistic Director, of The Depot Theatre in Westport, NY as they prepare for the first full production of Kirsten Childs’ Funked Up Fairy Tales, from our 2012 Festival, this summer.

Funked Up Fairy Tales—a collection of delightfully twisted urban fairy tales for sophisticated children and grown-up kids—welcomes you to the world of Titania, Faireetheeya and Magikwanda, teenage fairies with attitude. They wag their heads and suck their teeth as they turn things upside down to pass their Fairyland Academy exam. Will they pull through with flying colors and earn their Happy Ending Crowns?

What drew The Depot Theatre to Funked Up Fairy Tales?
We sat down [at the Festival] not knowing what to expect and in seconds were completely entranced by the piece (as was everyone around us)!  You could feel Kirsten’s sense of delight, her heart  and commitment in every element of the script and score. The piece seemed poised for a collaborative, artistic experience that could bring Kirsten’s vision to first fruition; a production in a place that could embrace and celebrate both the writer and the work and give the piece a team to develop it for a continuing future. We felt The Depot Theatre could be that place and are so honored to have this wonderful work in our season!

Why is the show a great match for your audience?
When it comes to musicals we have a multi-generational demographic that appreciates the classics of the American musical canon and more contemporary fare.  They like the intimacy of our space, how much a part of a production it makes them feel and how
adventuresome it encourages them to be—they are indeed both generous and engaged.  We feel that Funked Up Fairy Tales will appeal to all generations and bridge any divide between those who gravitate towards familiar story-lines and those who are titillated by the unknown. It brings a wonderful twist and take on the familiar with a contemporary sound and a diverse cast.  We also expect Funked Up Fairy Tales to help pave the way for our current audience and upcoming theatre-goers to become more curious about and supportive of new work and the artists writing for the future.

How will the show differ from what people got a taste for at the Festival? 
Funked Up Fairy Tales is part of our 35th main stage season—it’s a featured element, a full production and full-blown celebration of a wonderful work in a unique place!

How does the show match up with your mission and goals for the theatre?
The Depot Theatre is committed to providing professional theatre to an under-served region and to creating a vibrant creative home for diverse artists to explore and celebrate their craft.  Our mission includes providing an eclectic season that includes new work in order to develop and sustain dynamic connections with professional artists, expand our audiences’ theatrical horizons and provide a service to writers and composers by fully producing their work in a nurturing environment.

Why should people head up north to Westport this summer to catch your show?
Summer, Trains, Adirondacks, Lake Champlain, Fairy Tales, Kirsten Childs, Professional Theatre, a Fabulous Cast and Production Team…it’s all at the Depot Theatre.  Plus, getting here from NYC is easy…go to Penn Station, get on Train # 69, get off at the Depot Theatre overlooking Lake Champlain in the foothills of the Adirondack High Peaks Region (AMTRAK also often runs a two-for-one special)! However you choose to get here, we are where you want to be for part of your summer!

For more information about Funked Up Fairy Tales, please visit 

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