Musical by Former ‘Daily Show’ Head Writer Chosen for Festival in New York

Given some of the things Jon Stewart has said about Republicans on “The Daily Show,” don’t expect his former longtime head writer David Javerbaum to be gentle on the target of his stage musical that will be presented at a coming New York festival: James G. Watt, the Secretary of the Interior in the Reagan administration.

Mr. Watt is perhaps best known for causing a furor when in an attempt at light-heartedness in 1983 amid the affirmative action wars he said of a five-person panel: “I have a black, I have a woman, two Jews and a cripple.” He resigned a few weeks later, partly over the remark.

Mr. Javerbaum, who was a writer and producer on “The Daily Show” for 11 years until last summer, and who shared a Tony Award nomination with Adam Schlesinger for best score for “Cry-Baby” in 2008, has also written the book and lyrics for the rock musical “Watt?!?” about the life and times of Mr. Watt. The composer and pianist Brendan Milburn wrote the music.

Read more at The New York Times.

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