

Farewell from Executive Director Kathy Evans

I have come to the end of a fantastic 9 years as Executive Director of NAMT. I left corporate America to work with talented and smart people like you, and I am so happy to have gotten to know so many of you personally. I still pinch myself that I get to do my job in something I love as much as musical theatre. Doesn’t it feel like an exciting time? Between the very entertaining Tony’s,Glee, and TV’s singing and dancing contests, there is a beautiful vortex of activity circling this art form we all love.
I feel like those Tony winners who don’t have enough time to thank everyone… there isn’t enough space here to thank everyone who has helped make my time here so inspiring. However, I must thank all the Presidents under whom I worked, in chronological order — Sue Frost, Michael Jenkins, John Breckenridge, Denny Reagan, and Marilynn Sheldon. Without their leadership, we wouldn’t be this strong and have so many exciting new programs like the National Fund for New Musicals today. By the way, I’m consulting for NAMT until the new Executive Director is here, and I am on NAMT’s Board, so I am not going far!
Please stay in touch with me in my new incarnation as Founder of the Rhinebeck Writers Retreat. I will be giving writers working residencies in upstate New York inthe summer and will be back in New York City in the fall. The best way to reach me is: I will miss you all beyond words. Thank you for everything you have done for me and for NAMT.

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